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What Is JMX Monitoring?

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) framework is a well-known tool for any experienced Java developer. The purpose of the JMX framework is to simplify the management of local and remote Java applications while providing a user-friendly interface. The primary advantages of the JMX framework are that it’s highly reliable, scalable, and easy to configure. However, it’s also known for introducing the concept of MBeans, which unlocks the capacity for real-time Java application management.

Regression testing your Java Agent Plugin

For developers who’ve created their own instrumentation with the Java Agent plugin, the next phase of the process is regression testing. By performing regression testing, you can ensure that your plugin functions the way it’s supposed to after you’ve made code changes or updates. You’ll have your own plugin, but to illustrate regression testing in this article, I’ll use the plugin in our example repo.

How to install a Site24x7 APM Insight Java agent in Tomcat Server 6.x and above on Linux?

This video walks you through the steps for installing the Site24x7 APM Insight Java agent on an Apache Tomcat server. With the #Site24x7 #APM Insight Java agent installed, you can monitor your entire application, track every transaction that occurs, discover transaction errors, and optimize transactions before your end users are impacted.

Exception Handling in Java (with Real Examples)

Java has been one of the most widely used programming languages among developers worldwide for years. So naturally, it is a popular choice for those beginning their careers in development. Learning Java requires more than just knowing the proper syntax and effective code hygiene. Any developer who hopes to use Java for commercial development must be able to quickly and competently identify and recognize errors in their code.

Garbage Collection in Java

Garbage collection in Java is a familiar term in the coding world. You will come across it when learning the Java programming language. Because it’s built into Java memory management, the garbage collector is one of Java’s crucial features. It helps prevent serious errors and allows programmers to create new objects without worrying about unwanted objects.

IllegalArgumentException in Java

Let’s look at IllegalArgumentException, which is one of the most common types of exceptions that Java developers deal with. We’ll see when and why IllegalArgumentException usually occurs, whether it’s a checked or unchecked exception, as well as how to catch and when to throw it. We’ll use a few examples based on common Java library methods to describe some of the ways to handle IllegalArgumentException.

Debugging Java Collections Framework Issues in Production

The Java Collections Framework was a huge leap forward when it was introduced as part of Java 2 (JDK 1.2). Thanks to the included collection classes we finally moved beyond the limits of Vector and Hashtable to more mature and generic solutions. With the introduction of streams and functional concepts in Java 8 the framework took everything to the next level. One of the core principles underlying the framework is coding to the interface.

How to capture Spring Boot metrics with the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation Agent

In a previous blog post, Adam Quan presented a great introduction to setting up observability for a Spring Boot application. For metrics, Adam used the Prometheus Java Client library and showed how to link metrics and traces using exemplars. However, the Prometheus Java Client library is not the only way to get metrics out of a Spring Boot app. One alternative is to use the OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation agent for exposing Spring’s metrics directly in OpenTelemetry format.

13 Best Performance Monitoring Tools for Java

The Java programming language is simple to learn and use, and it is frequently used by web developers to create applications. However, monitoring the performance of a Java-based application might be difficult because it is not a simple process. Implementing multiple monitoring tools to track Java logs, metrics, infrastructure data, and other operational factors is necessary for troubleshooting inefficiencies.

Debugging the Java Message Service (JMS) API using Lightrun

The Java Message Service API (JMS) was developed by Sun Microsystems in the days of Java EE. The JMS API provides us with simple messaging abstractions including Message Producer, Message Consumer, etc. Messaging APIs let us place a message on a “queue” and consume messages placed into said queue. This is immensely useful for high throughput systems – instead of wasting user time by performing a slow operation in real-time, an enterprise application can send a message.