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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Exception Perceptions: Turning C# into a 5-Star Mobile App with Xamarin

On this episode of Exception Perceptions, Xamarin + Azure Cloud Developer Advocate Brandon Minnick stopped by to chat with Sentry’s Developer Evangelist(a) Chloe Condon about Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin the mobile development platform that lets developers use their C# and .NET skills to build fully native Android, iOS, and UWP apps.

Feature Spotlight: API Checks

API checks are as simple or complex as you need them to be, offering a great deal of functionality in checking the uptime of your own tools. Combined with a powerful programming interface like REST API, your checks can prove quite useful. These checks are multi-step, meaning you can ask it to do almost anything so long as you present those requests in a syntax your server understands. The key to an API check is formatting your requests properly.

How we got a 100% Lighthouse performance score for our Vue.js app

Since launch, we didn’t pay too much attention to the front end performance of the main Checkly web app. Shame on us. What better reason to dive into this than the publishing of the excellent The Cost of Javascript in 2018 by Google’s Addy Osmani? TL;DR: it took about half a day to go from an abysmal 34 to a 100 Lighthouse score on our Vue.js app.

Logz.io Releases Alice The First Observability Bot to accelerate Chat-Ops and Data Insight On-the-Go

Boston and Tel Aviv — August 22, 2018 — Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases Alice, a new Slack-based ChatOps solution that empowers DevOps teams to easily accelerate collaboration and data exploration in a manner that is flexible and accessible on-the-go. The tool enables DevOps teams to implement a ChatOps approach to logging and monitoring directly within Slack and remain connected regardless of their location.

Creating a Chrome extension in 2018: The good, the bad and the meh

Last week, we shipped an initial version of Puppeteer Recorder, a Google Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Puppeteer script. It turns out Chrome extension development is almost like real web development, but with a weird dash of quasi embedded development mixed in. This post talks you through the development lifecycle when creating an extension and lists some of the architectural gotcha’s. Source code for the extension in question is on github.

New: Crash by device breakdown for easier mobile debugging

The Raygun platform is designed to surface as much actionable information about errors so, as a developer, you not only fix them quickly but gain context into what causes errors in the first place. Today we’re announcing a new feature for both Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring: Crash by device. This new feature helps mobile developers understand which devices cause the most crashes, so replicating errors becomes easier.