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Why 3D Technology is a Game-Changer for Business Innovation

Are you looking for ways to elevate your business performance and gain a competitive advantage? Look no further than 3D technology! From building clarity in the design process to improving customer service, this trend is revolutionizing how companies create value. With its ability to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and explore new markets, 3D tech presents countless opportunities for businesses of all sizes and industries. In this blog post, we'll explore the exciting possibilities that 3D technology brings and why your organization should get on board today.

Mastering Prometheus Exporters: Techniques and Best Practices

If you’re into monitoring, Prometheus is probably an essential part of your stack. Thanks to its expressive query language (PromQL), scalability, and configurable data format, it remains one of the most popular tools for data collection. Paired with Prometheus exporters, the tool can adapt to a variety of surroundings, which is one of its strongest points.

Exploring Open Source: Challenges, Ethics & Opportunities - Navigate Europe 23

Join Amanda Brock, CEO of Open UK, alongside other industry experts, Liz Rice, Matt Barker and Peter Zaitsev, as they explore the dynamic world of open source technology. From discussing the nuances of open source licenses and business models to delving into the challenges and ethical considerations of open source communities, this panel provides invaluable insights into the current state and future of open source. Whether you're a developer, entrepreneur, or open source enthusiast, this discussion offers a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and opportunities in open source today.

The future with large language models (LLMs) feat. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy

Expanding on our previous topic of large language models in enterprise IT, Ramprakash Ramamoorthy, Director of AI research at ManageEngine and Zoho Corporation, takes it one step further as we dive deeper into the various functions of a business, and the normalization of LLM integration in those operations.

How to use the View Mode to remote monitor my devices on AirDroid Business

Welcome to this tutorial video where we will guide you on how to use the View Mode in AirDroid Business which allows you to remote monitor your devices from a single interface. AirDroid Business is an MDM solution that helps you manage all your Android devices effectively and securely.
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Taking down (and restoring) the Raygun ingestion API

In a world where Software as a Service (SaaS) products are integral to daily life, maintaining uninterrupted service for end-users is paramount. However, stuff happens. When it does, our most valuable response (other than restoring service ASAP) is to review the series of events that led up to the incident and learn from them. On August 25th, 2023, at 7:02 AM NZT, Raygun experienced a significant incident that impacted our API ingestion cluster, leading to an outage lasting approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. While this wasn't fun for anyone involved, this incident did prove to be a valuable learning experience, shedding light on the importance of infrastructure management and resilience.

Top tips: 3 surprising ways generative AI can boost your data analysis

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world and list ways to explore these trends. When you think about generative AI, what instinctively comes to your mind is content and image generation. But, in this week’s Top tips column, let’s look at a less-explored facet of generative AI: data analytics. There are a lot of conversations about data and its benefits.