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The Role of Generative AI and Large Language Models in IT Operations

Artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI and large language models have changed how we approach IT operations, cybersecurity, and observability. And though we can point to measurable benefits and outcomes from applying LLMs to ITOps, there is also a lot of speculation to deal with. Phillip Gervasi, Director of Technical Evangelism at Kentik, and Christoph Pfister, Chief Product Officer at Kentik, discuss what generative AI and LLMs are, how they can be used to improve IT operations, and what the future might hold.

The Future of Machine Learning and AI Panel Discussion - Navigate Europe 23

Dive deep into the future of AI and ML with Josh Mesout, Andrew Maguire, Jason Grant, Tatiana Botskina, and Dan Lewis. In this engaging discussion, they share insights from their varied backgrounds, tackling critical topics such as generative AI, ethical AI practices, and the evolving landscape of AI regulation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, this video provides a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders and gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in AI and ML.

Risks and rewards of generative AI for software development

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a form of AI that can create new, original content such as text, code, images, video, and even music. Generative AI-powered tools like GitHub’s Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT have the potential to revolutionize the way you develop software, enabling you to be more efficient and creative. Used in the right way, generative AI can streamline workflows, accelerate development cycles, and unlock the potential for innovation.

Adopting open-source Industrial IoT software

The industrial automation landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by a fundamental shift in how software solutions are developed and deployed. In the past, many factories had in-house IT expertise to build and maintain their basic software stacks, the present reality is quite different. Small-scale factories often lack the IT know-how to manage their increasingly complex digital infrastructure, and they often rely on contractors to set up and maintain their systems.

Highly Technical Product Printing Services: 6 Facts You Should Know

In today's rapidly evolving world of technology, the realm of printing services has also undergone a remarkable transformation. From 3D printing to specialized materials and precision engineering, the world of Highly Technical Product Printing Services is a fascinating frontier that's reshaping industries across the board. Whether you're a curious enthusiast or a professional seeking the latest insights, this blog post is your essential guide. We're about to unravel six fascinating facts that will broaden your understanding of this cutting-edge field. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Understanding Non-Emergency Medical Transportation and the Role of Software Solutions

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) stands as a vital pillar in healthcare, bridging the gap for patients who do not require emergency medical attention but still need reliable transportation to access healthcare services. Here, we delve into the world of NEMT, uncovering its various facets and understanding how software solutions are revolutionizing this field for better accessibility and efficiency.

The Important Steps For Taking Your Business To The Next Level

In today's fast-paced business world, standing still is not an option. For your enterprise to thrive, you need to constantly seek growth and progress. Taking your business to the next level requires strategic planning, innovation, and a proactive mindset. This blog post will guide you through the essential steps you need to take to elevate your business to new heights.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: A Discussion About Cloud Security And AI

Explore the benefits of moving security to the cloud, how AI will shape security in the future, advice for those joining the field of cybersecurity and infosec, approaching complex problems and more including: Key trends - from cloud native to zero trust security & beyond The role of a CTO and CPO in cloud security Inspiring new talent to get into cybersecurity Foundations for cyber safety Ensuring organizations of all sizes are safe.

The Driving Force of Community at All Things Open 2023

The most noticeable takeaway from All Things Open 2023 was how visibly and demonstrably people were there for the event itself. Not to check a box or browse the swag but to be together, show their support of open source, and glean every last bit of knowledge they could.