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Effortless Engineering: Quick Tips for Crafting Prompts

Large Language Models (LLMs) are all the rage in software development, and for good reason: they provide crucial opportunities to positively enhance our software. At Honeycomb, we saw an opportunity in the form of Query Assistant, a feature that can help engineers ask questions of their systems in plain English.

AI Explainer: Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms

I speak with customers and partners pretty much every week about artificial intelligence. The knowledge levels can differ quite dramatically — some are quite AI savvy while others find the jargon bewildering. This is quite understandable as AI is a rapidly evolving field with its own set of specialized terminology. This blog post is purely meant to provide a beginner-friendly reference for some essential AI terms to make it easier to navigate conversations and articles on the topic.

Countering Internet Complexity with AI Powered Internet Performance Monitoring

Organizations’ technology strategies are coming in for a major overhaul in 2024 and beyond. The rate of innovation in IT in general and in security in particular is accelerating steadily. Meanwhile, the revolutionary advances in artificial intelligence of the last 18 months are upending technologies across the board -- and requiring a serious rethink for technology professionals and managers. In this on-demand webinar, we explain how enterprise companies can counter Internet complexity with Catchpoint's AI-powered Internet Performance Monitoring.

Security Considerations in IoT PCB Design

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized how we interact with and control the physical world. IoT devices have become integral to our daily lives, from smart thermostats to wearable fitness trackers. However, with this increased connectivity comes a significant challenge: security. IoT Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design security considerations are paramount to protecting these devices from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Can People Notice How Many Times You Watch Their Instagram Profile or Story?

Despite all the diversity of online communication, lots of social media users close their apps with a lingering sense of discontent, feeling that their interactions lack the genuinely human component. In a subconscious attempt to enrich their browsing and messaging sessions, people double down on the consumed content, often repeating their profile visits and story views.

Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?

From the science fiction fantasies of the mid-20th century to today's reality, AI's journey has been a blend of innovation and apprehension. As we contemplate the future of AI, it’s interesting to look back at the early days of AI, how far it’s come and what we might yet expect. AI has the potential to be of huge benefit but could be disruptive in the wrong hands, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. A Brief History and Development of AI.

TensorFlow, Postgres, PGVector & Next.js: building a movie recommender

Learn how to build a movie recommender with TensorFlow, Postgres, PGVector, Javascript & Next.js. This is a series of videos where we build a project together step by step. Chapters: ABOUT AIVEN Aiven’s cloud data platform helps your business reach its highest potential by making your data work for you. It provides fully managed open source data infrastructure on all major clouds, helping developers focus on what they do best: innovate and create without worrying about the limitations of technology.