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Unveiling CTV vs OTT: Distinguishing Streaming Television Realms

The world has gone digital - and so has television, with the introduction of streaming services. Ask any marketer, and they will tell you that more than 80% of consumers are now turning to streaming services instead of traditional TV stations. The terms CTV and OTT now dominate the streaming landscape of TV advertising, and marketers absolutely must have a good understanding of the differences between them. In this blog post, we'll delve into the details of CTV vs OTT to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to improve your advertising prowess.

Transforming Observability with Elastic AI Assistant: A Proactive, AI-Driven Approach

Discover how Elastic AI Assistant is transforming the world of observability by offering proactive, AI-powered insights that help SRE teams manage complex systems more efficiently. Say goodbye to manual, reactive processes and hello to a proactive, AI-driven approach with the Elastic AI Assistant for Observability.

Limitations of API-only testing: Why it shouldn't be your sole testing strategy

A spicy article hit my inbox the other day. It came with a bold claim — “API testing is better than UI testing”. Absolutes like “A is better than B” rarely hold in the software world. “It depends” is the answer to most tech questions for a reason. Let’s compare API and UI testing and discuss why one isn’t better than the other. The frenemies are “just different”, and always will be. And that’s a good thing.

Why Every Business Needs a Technology-Driven Protection Plan

When you are running a company, you are not solely obligated to take care of your employees, but your consumers too. At the end of the day, there's no need to remind you that it's highly likely that your business holds a bunch of confidential, and relevant information. This is the case with both smaller and larger firms. And if something bad happens to them, you'll be held responsible. That's why today we decided to focus on the importance of data protection and why it would be advisable to implement it. So let's dive into it!

The Steps to Creating a Powerful Logo Design

In an era dominated by visual stimuli, a logo serves as the beacon of recognition for any business. It encapsulates a company's essence, ethos, and values in a single, visually appealing mark. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, designing a logo has become more accessible and efficient than ever before. AI-powered logo makers have revolutionized the process, making it possible for businesses of all sizes to craft memorable, impactful logos. Here, we outline the steps to creating a powerful logo design, with the aid of an AI logo maker.

AI for All: Codica's Vision in Development Services

For many companies, AI has become a core part of their business strategy. But what about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? As smaller companies grapple with the challenge of competing against larger firms, they require solutions that can empower them to thrive in the digital era. At Codica, we firmly believe that crafting solutions infused with AI is among the most potent strategies for SMEs to gain a competitive edge. AI technology can automate a significant portion of their operations, while simultaneously providing fresh capabilities and valuable insights.

Testing GenAI: How to approach nondeterministic software development

Michael Webster, principal engineer at CircleCI, talks to Rob about testing AI-enabled applications. In this episode, learn how to face the unique challenges posed by the probabilistic and non-deterministic nature of AI output, as well as the importance of subjective evaluation criteria. Webster covers how model graded evals can be used to test AI applications, and the importance of caution in using this approach.

Becoming an IT Professional: Tips for High School Students

Breaking into the field of information technology might seem daunting, especially for high school students who are exploring their career options. While the industry is increasingly competitive, a strategic approach to learning and early career planning can set you up for success. This includes understanding the role of IT professionals in the modern world, developing essential skills, choosing the right IT courses, and gaining experience through internships or volunteer opportunities. In this article, we will walk you through this journey towards a successful IT career.