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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Use embedded AI to find performance problems

The root cause of a performance transaction can be complex to troubleshoot, but it does not have to be. By using AppDynamics’s built-in machine learning capabilities, we can quickly identify Health Rule violations triggered by transaction response times deviating from their baseline and then combine those with diagnostic capabilities that get us to the specific cause. We are able to drill down into the relevant snapshots to see which method and specific line of code is to blame.

Latest breakthroughs in vector search for Elasticsearch and Lucene: ElasticON AI

Elastic experts Jim Ferenzi and Ben Trent discuss key Elasticsearch and Lucene improvements — including intuitive vector search support, multi-threading, RRF, and hybrid search with filtering and doc-level security. Plus, hear what they are working on next! Additional resources.

Next Generation of Cost Reallocation: Leveraging APIs to Programmatically Manage Cloud Spend

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about The Art of True Chargebacks and how VMware Tanzu CloudHealth makes simple work of the cost reallocation of cloud expenses. In addition to being a refresher on cost reallocation with Tanzu CloudHealth, it was also shared as a kickoff of our newly released cutting-edge Cost Reallocation API. This officially available API revolutionizes the seamless automation of chargeback reallocation across diverse geographies, brands, business units (BUs), and product lines.

Aiven Workshop: Learn Apache Kafka with Python

What's in the Workshop Recipe? Apache Kafka is the industry de-facto standard for data streaming. An open-source, scalable, highly available and reliable solution to move data across companies' departments, technologies or micro-services. In this workshop you'll learn the basics components of Apache Kafka and how to get started with data streaming using Python. We'll dive deep, with the help of some prebuilt Jupyter notebooks, on how to produce, consume and have concurrent applications reading from the same source, empowering multiple use-cases with the same streaming data.

Why is API Testing Important and How to do it Right

Whether you're a business that relies on Amazon reviews and seller feedback or planning a much-needed holiday through your favorite travel comparison site, everyday activities like these wouldn't be impossible without APIs. An integral part of app development, API technology is interwoven into a rich tapestry of popular applications that companies and consumers use daily. Without them, there would be no smartphones, social media, or instant messaging.

AI-Generated Runbooks

AI-generated Runbooks lower the barrier to entry to new automation developers and speeds up the time to create new automation for experienced automation authors. This feature works seamlessly with the user’s preferred scripting language, offering a low-code solution for what used to be a high-code task. Watch how Runbook Automation users can write the task they wish to automate in plain-English and let AI build a template of automation for that particular task.

How Card Printing Technology Unifies and Adapts Across Industries

As businesses search for the right technology to automate and streamline operations, card printing is becoming an attractive option due to its ability to meet a wide range of needs. Its ease of use across industries makes it a reliable solution that can be tailored to suit any organization.