
Optimizing Web Performance: Understanding Waterfall Charts

Waterfall charts are diagrams which represent how website resources are being downloaded, parsed by the engine, in a timeline that gives us the opportunity to see the sequence and dependencies between resources. It assists in identifying where important events happened during the loading process. They can also let the user easily see how good or bad the performance of their website is, showing you exactly what is slowing down your site.

Dashboard Fridays: Log Analytics VM Insights

Join Adam Kinniburgh in this latest Dashboard Fridays episode, in which he showcases a Log Analytics VM Insights dashboard. This dashboard, built with the WebAPI tile for the CE and SCOM editions of SquaredUp, surfaces key metric data for Virtual Machines, regardless of where the servers are hosted. In this short video, we'll demonstrate how this dashboard was built using SquaredUp dashboards, the challenges it solves, and how you can easily replicate it in your own environment.

How Dapper Labs uses Grafana Cloud to meet the global demand of NFT Mania

Ever since a JPEG created by the digital artist Beeple sold for more than $69 million in 2021, the worldwide obsession with NFTs (non-fungible tokens) that represent digital collectibles, art, and media has been growing. A company at the forefront of the NFT world is the blockchain gaming studio Dapper Labs, which leverages blockchain to build addictive games (such as CryptoKitties), verify authentic digital collectibles, and run fan tokens for sports personalities and music artists.

New in Grafana 8.4: How to use full-range log volume histograms with Grafana Loki

In the freshly released Grafana 8.4, we’ve enabled the full-range log volume histogram for the Grafana Loki data source by default. Previously, the histogram would only show the values over whatever time range the first 1,000 returned lines fell within. Now those using Explore to query Grafana Loki will see a histogram that reflects the distribution of log lines over their selected time range.

How summary metrics work in Prometheus

A summary is a metric type in Prometheus that can be used to monitor latencies (or other distributions like request sizes). For example, when you monitor a REST endpoint you can use a summary and configure it to provide the 95th percentile of the latency. If that percentile is 120ms that means that 95% of the calls were faster than 120ms, and 5% were slower. Summary metrics are implemented in the Prometheus client libraries, like client_golang or client_java.

How to manage cardinality with out-of-the-box dashboards in Grafana Cloud

When there’s a cardinality explosion, it can cause problems: It’s a surprise, it’s noise, and it can increase your costs or cause performance degradation of your systems. Over the past year, we’ve improved our time series storage systems so that under normal use, high cardinality is no longer an issue. But as the operator of an observability platform, you should have tools you need to help protect that infrastructure.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Pingdom dashboard

Join Adam Kinniburgh and Ashley Thompson in this latest Dashboard Fridays episode on Pingdom. This dashboard gives an overview of Pingdom checks using PowerShell scripts against the Pingdom API. In this short video, we'll demonstrate how this dashboard was built using SquaredUp dashboards, the challenges it solves, and how you can easily replicate it in your own environment.

How to publish messages through Kafka to Grafana Loki

Back in November 2021, Grafana Labs released version 2.4 of Grafana Loki. One of the new features it included was a Promtail Kafka Consumer that can easily ingest messages out of Kafka and into Loki for storing, querying, and visualization. Kafka has always been an important technology for distributed streaming data architectures, so I wanted to share a working example of how to use it to help you get started.