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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Free Preview Environments For Open-Source Projects

We at Qovery are excited to offer our Preview Environments for free to all open-source projects. A Preview Environment is like a sandbox where developers can see how changes to the code will work before these changes are final. This is great for projects where many parts, like the backend, frontend, and databases, must talk to each other.

How Digital Marketing Can Help Elevate Your HVAC Business

Are you an HVAC business owner who has been trying to strike a balance between traditional marketing and digital marketing? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of decisions and strategies you need to implement in order to reap digitization benefits? If so, we have great news - with a bit of careful planning and strategic execution, using digital marketing can be easy and highly effective for elevating your HVAC business.

The Future of Cloud Native Data is Now

Struggling with data complexities in distributed apps? Watch our webinar with Google Cloud and TechCrunch on mastering cloud-native data! Join Aiven’s Matty Stratton and Google’s Kaslin Fields, as they guide you through the steps to manage the data on your distributed applications. By leveraging data’s inherent gravity, it can be used across all components of your applications.

Monitor your Boomi integrations with Kitepipe's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

Boomi is a cloud-based integration platform that helps customers connect their applications, data sources, and other endpoints. But monitoring and troubleshooting Boomi Atoms—the runtime engines for Boomi integration processes—and the applications connected to them can be a challenge. Boomi automatically purges logs after 30 days, and users must frequently correlate data from various disconnected sources for visibility into their Boomi processes.

How to configure API Management to use Business Activity Monitoring?

Want to troubleshoot your Azure integration solutions faster and easier? In this video, we'll show you how to configure API Management to use Business Activity Monitoring from Serverless360. This will give you and your team of business and IT support users enhanced visibility into how your APIs are being used, and provide you with features like advanced monitoring, message reprocessing, and the ability to trace business transactions across your entire architecture.

This Month in Datadog: Integrations for AI/LLM Tech Stacks, Serverless Monitoring Releases, and more

Datadog is constantly elevating the approach to cloud monitoring and security. This Month in Datadog updates you on our newest product features, announcements, resources, and events. This month, we put the Spotlight on a trio of serverless monitoring releases..

Digital innovation in finance - the open source imperative

Digital innovation is transforming finance. Advances in financial technology such as mobile money, peer-to-peer (P2P) or marketplace lending, robo advice, and insurance technology (InsurTech) are reshaping many areas – from payments to wealth management. Over the past decade, fintechs have already driven enhanced access to financial services for retail users. Technology advances in connectivity, data processing, and storage have contributed to the current wave of technology-based finance.

How Cutting-Edge Technologies Are Transforming the App Development Industry

The app development industry is one of the most dynamic, innovative sectors in the tech world. Software engineers and mobile developers are continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible as they harness emerging technologies to create powerful, feature-rich applications that respond quickly and effectively to user needs. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the cutting-edge technology trends that are revolutionizing how apps are designed and developed and show you why these advances make for better experiences now and into the future.