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Building a Secure By-Design Pipeline with an Open Source Stack - Civo Navigate NA 23

Rotem Refael, Director of Engineering at Armo, delves deep into building a Secure by Design Pipeline using an open-source stack. Emphasizing the importance of the "Shift Left" strategy in the DevSecOps realm, she addresses the gaps in the traditional CI/CD pipeline and suggests comprehensive tools to address them. Rotem showcases the benefits of Kubescape, an open-source solution by Armo for Kubernetes security, and highlights the need for security gates throughout development.

Twelve Key Learnings from PagerDuty People Team's Generative AI HackWeek

Sometimes innovation requires ideas unconstrained by traditional structures and removed from day-to-day responsibilities. It was in this spirit that PagerDuty’s People HackWeek–a friendly competition to explore how generative AI might impact the future of HR–was born.

The Unplanned Show, Episode 13: Jake Cohen and Generative AI for Automation

On the heels of the public beta opening for AI-generated runbooks in Runbook Automation, we asked Jake Cohen from product management about how this is different from generating code with something like chatGPT or various AI-powered code completion tools available. We get into prompt engineering, managing output quality, and privacy and security concerns.

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in log analytics

Managing logs is a significant part of an SRE's daily grind. Scattered within heaps of log data are invaluable insights - those small bits of information that can unveil underlying issues and patterns critical for system monitoring and troubleshooting. However, in an era where the volume of logs is astronomical, how do you discern the relevant from the irrelevant? Sumo Logic's array of log analytics features comes to the rescue, wielding the might of artificial intelligence.

Explore The Evolution Of Music Production And AI's Creative Impact on Composition

Music has been an integral part of human culture for millennia, evolving in countless ways over the years. In recent times, we've witnessed a remarkable transformation in the world of music production, thanks to the creative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this blog post, you'll delve into the fascinating journey of music production's evolution and how AI is reshaping composition. From its humble beginnings to the cutting-edge AI-powered tools, you'll discover how technology is influencing and enhancing the creative process.

Introduction to Apache Arrow

A look at what Arrow is, its advantages and how some companies and projects use it. Over the past few decades, using big data sets required businesses to perform increasingly complex analyses. Advancements in query performance, analytics and data storage are largely a result of greater access to memory. Demand, manufacturing process improvements and technological advances all contributed to cheaper memory.

Top tips: 5 ways to enhance your knowledge in AI

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list out ways to explore these trends. This week we’re looking at five ways ways you can build upon the basics and start incorporating AI in your everyday. AI technology is now utilized in some form by almost 77% of devices. Nearly every industry has incorporated, or is trying to incorporate, AI in some way or another.