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Learning in public: How to speed up your learning and benefit the OSS community, too

Technical folks in OSS communities often find themselves in permanent learning mode. Technology changes constantly, which means learning new things — whether it’s a new feature in the latest OSS release or an emerging industry best practice — is, for many of us, simply a natural part of our jobs. This is why it’s important to think about how we learn, and improve the skill of learning itself.

Efficiently Tracing Zephyr Syscalls

Using Tracealyzer to view applications running on Zephyr RTOS comes with a special challenge: unlike some other microcontroller-oriented real-time operating systems, Zephyr exposes its kernel services via a syscall layer. A syscall is essentially a way to programmatically communicate with the operating system kernel from user level code.

Monitor your mobile tests with Sofy's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

As your apps scale, testing can become repetitive, manual, and time-consuming, leading to slower release cycles and lower-quality code. Sofy is a SaaS platform that enables you to create and run automated tests on your mobile apps without writing any code. Sofy will automatically test your mobile apps on real iOS and Android devices, so you can optimize their performance and debug end-user experiences without setting up or maintaining your own test infrastructure.

How To Find Good And Reliable IT Services Company

Are you searching for an IT services company that is reliable and trustworthy? Not all IT companies are created equal, so it pays to do some research before committing to any one of them. To help make your decision easier, we'll go through the factors you should consider when choosing a good and reliable IT services provider. We'll also look at some questions to ask potential service suppliers so that you can be sure the right solution is found. By taking these steps, you will be able to ensure that your business's needs are met in a cost-effective manner while providing quality assurance and peace of mind.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Analyzing Brand Reputation Using Advanced Tools, Technology, and Techniques

In today's fast-paced digital age, managing and protecting your brand's reputation, especially through effective social media management, has never been more crucial. Your brand's reputation can make or break your business, affecting everything from customer trust to your bottom line. You need to leverage advanced tools, technology, and techniques to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your brand maintains a stellar reputation. This article will explore how these reputation management tools and strategies can help you safeguard and enhance your brand's image.

The Plan for InfluxDB 3.0 Open Source

The commercial version of InfluxDB 3.0 is a distributed, scalable time series database built for real-time analytic workloads. It supports infinite cardinality, SQL and InfluxQL as native query languages, and manages data efficiently in object storage as Apache Parquet files. It delivers significant gains in ingest efficiency, scalability, data compression, storage costs, and query performance on higher cardinality data.

How ServiceNow is using generative AI capabilities across its operations

As the emerging technologies team within ServiceNow digital transformation (DT), we’re always searching for new technology that can solve complex problems. When we saw how generative AI capabilities could deliver rich experiences and unlock the potential of our technology, people, and processes across the organization, we immediately pivoted to embrace it.

Terraform is No Longer Open Source. Is OpenTofu (ex OpenTF) the Successor?

Terraform, a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IAC) tool, has long been the backbone of choice for DevOps professionals and developers seeking to manage their cloud infrastructure efficiently. However, recent shifts in its licensing have sent ripples of concern throughout the tech community. HashiCorp, the company behind Terraform, made a pivotal decision last month to move away from its longstanding open-source licensing, opting instead for the Business Source License (BSL) 1.1.

How AI is Changing Modern Networking

Artificial intelligence has changed the landscape of technology, especially as we collect and analyze vast amounts of data. As AI workloads are distributed among compute nodes and across data centers, what problems are posed for traditional networking, and what solutions can we discover? This live discussion between Justin Ryburn, Field CTO at Kentik, and Phillip Gervasi, Director of Technical Evangelism at Kentik, dives deep into the current state of data center networking in the age of AI.