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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

How AI is Changing Modern Networking

Artificial intelligence has changed the landscape of technology, especially as we collect and analyze vast amounts of data. As AI workloads are distributed among compute nodes and across data centers, what problems are posed for traditional networking, and what solutions can we discover? This live discussion between Justin Ryburn, Field CTO at Kentik, and Phillip Gervasi, Director of Technical Evangelism at Kentik, dives deep into the current state of data center networking in the age of AI.

Securing Open Source Dependencies on Public Cloud

Aaron Whitehouse, Senior Director of Public Cloud Enablement at Canonical, explains why you need to be thinking about open source dependencies in your software pipelines. He covers three main areas of software dependency management: ESM is part of Canonical's Ubuntu Pro offering and gives developers access to approximately 30,000 packages that they can build on, confident in the knowledge that Canonical will patch high and critical vulnerabilities for up to 10 years while preserving API stability -- regardless of the upstream project's support lifecycle.

Securing IoMT Devices: Best Practices for Hospitals to Prevent Cyberattacks

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has revolutionized the healthcare industry, connecting medical devices to the internet and allowing for greater patient care. However, with this new technology comes new security threats. Hospitals must be aware of these risks and understand how to find, fix and secure connected medical devices to protect their patients from cyberattacks.

How Technology Revolutionized the Quality Control and Inspection Industry

The way people inspect things for quality has changed a lot because of new technology. This field has hugely transformed with the transition from traditional means of inspection to cutting-edge systems. Now, things are much better in ensuring products and processes are top-notch.

10 Best Practices of Social Media for Business Growth

Social media has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our daily existence, leaving a significant mark on how we connect, communicate, and access information. It's virtually impossible to fathom a reality without ubiquitous platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Yet, social media's influence extends far beyond personal interactions, as it has evolved into a potent instrument for businesses striving for expansion, enhanced brand visibility, and heightened customer engagement.

Quickly get started with generative AI on the Now Platform

There’s no doubt that generative AI and the productivity it promises have captured the world’s imagination. We’ve talked about applying AI to just about everything—from those soul-crushing tasks we never want to do again to dreams within our grasp for the first time. Goldman Sachs estimates that generative AI could add nearly $7 trillion to global gross domestic product (GDP) in the next decade.

LLMs Demand Observability-Driven Development

Our industry is in the early days of an explosion in software using LLMs, as well as (separately, but relatedly) a revolution in how engineers write and run code, thanks to generative AI. Many software engineers are encountering LLMs for the very first time, while many ML engineers are being exposed directly to production systems for the very first time.

Building a Secure By-Design Pipeline with an Open Source Stack - Civo Navigate NA 23

Rotem Refael, Director of Engineering at Armo, delves deep into building a Secure by Design Pipeline using an open-source stack. Emphasizing the importance of the "Shift Left" strategy in the DevSecOps realm, she addresses the gaps in the traditional CI/CD pipeline and suggests comprehensive tools to address them. Rotem showcases the benefits of Kubescape, an open-source solution by Armo for Kubernetes security, and highlights the need for security gates throughout development.