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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

eCommerce Load Testing (Step 2): Capture Traffic

In this webinar clip from "Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes", Speedscale Co-founder, Nate Lee, explains what comes next after selecting the business-critical APIs to test first: capturing traffic. Capturing traffic for the service can be done through tools like Speedscale, GoReplay, VCR, K6, and JMeter.

What is an API Gateway?

API Gateways are vital components in today's digital landscape, facilitating seamless communication between systems and applications. To ensure optimal performance, monitoring API Gateways is crucial. MetricFire offers a comprehensive monitoring platform that tracks and analyzes key metrics, providing real-time insights into performance indicators such as latency, error rates, and throughput.

Percentiles Aggregation for Custom Metric Charts | Memfault Feature Highlights

In this feature video, we walk you through our new percentiles aggregation for custom metric charts. Percentiles aggregation lets users easily understand how data collected on device condition metrics breaks down across their fleet, allowing for easier prioritization and more confident decisions.

Monitoring Your Metrics with Aiven

In this tutorial, we'll explore the powerful monitoring capabilities offered by the Aiven platform. Monitoring metrics is crucial for ensuring the optimal performance and health of your databases. We'll dive into the various monitoring tools and features provided by Aiven, allowing you to track real-time metrics, analyze database performance, and gain valuable insights into your system. Whether it's monitoring CPU usage, query performance, or resource utilization, Aiven provides a comprehensive monitoring dashboard to help you stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

How to manually instrument iOS Applications with OpenTelemetry

In this tutorial, we dive into the practical application of OpenTelemetry in an iOS project built with SwiftUI. We demonstrate how to set up the OpenTelemetry SDK, generate spans, and send them to a configured OpenTelemetry collector. Our example application displays a random sentence every few seconds. Each sentence generation process is instrumented with OpenTelemetry spans, which include an attribute representing the word count of the sentence.

Mechanism Of Laser Engraving On Wood: Boosts Quality

If you're in the woodworking industry, you've undoubtedly heard of laser engraving on wood. It's an innovative technology that's been changing the game for a while now. Essentially, laser engraving uses a laser beam to etch a design onto the surface of wood, creating intricate and precise methods. The technique has been gaining popularity due to its ability to boost the quality of the finished product. Whether for decorative purposes or branding, laser engraving on wood is a sure way to enhance the visual appeal of any project.

How Does The Food Industry Secure The Quality Of The Final Product

Producing safe, quality food products is an important function of the food industry, but how do they ensure that their processes are in compliance with set standards? While there has been a focus on developing technologies for this purpose, many companies still rely on good manufacturing practices combined with environmental monitoring to guarantee the safety and quality of their foods.

The Evolution of Power Supply Technology

The power industry has come a long way since the days of horse and buggy. Technology has advanced and evolved over the years, allowing us to safely access electricity wherever we need it. Today, power supply technology is at an exciting point in its development: unprecedented control, energy efficiency, safety standards, and much more. In this blog post, we will take you through some of the key developments in the power supply industry throughout history so that you can better understand where modern advancements have taken us today!