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BigPanda's Resources for Navigating Change Through the AI Revolution

AI has revolutionized the way we engage online in 2023. From Chat GPT and AI Art Generators to healthcare, finance, and business, you can hardly read the news without reading the latest proclamation of how AI is poised to change every aspect of our lives. AI has brought fundamental changes to how we live and work, and we’re still scrambling to understand the impacts of these changes. Especially where their work is concerned, change can be difficult for people to embrace.

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Operationalizing AI: MLOps, DataOps And AIOps

Originally posted on Forbes Technology Council As organizations increasingly embark on their digital transformation journey, IT is turning into a profit center, rather than a cost center. CIOs (chief information officers) are more than often referred to as chief innovation officers. New roles like chief data officer and chief analytics officer are rising to prominence. AI and data are at the center of this transformation, as CxOs are faced with daunting challenges in.

Getting Started with Users in pgAdmin and Aiven

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating users both on pgAdmin, a powerful GUI tool for managing PostgreSQL databases, and the Aiven platform. User management is an essential aspect of database administration, and we'll show you how to add new users, define their roles and privileges, and configure authentication settings. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this video provides a comprehensive guide to effectively create and manage users in your PostgreSQL environment.

IDC Market Perspective published on the Elastic AI Assistant

IDC published a Market Perspective report discussing implementations to leverage Generative AI. The report calls out the Elastic AI Assistant, its value, and the functionality it provides. Of the various AI Assistants launched across the industry, many of them have not been made available to the broader practitioner ecosystem and therefore have not been tested. With Elastic AI Assistant, we’ve scaled out of that trend to provide working capabilities now.

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) can be a game changer for IT security and support process owners to manage, control, and protect their mobile device state. Over the last years, these devices not only have become central to our lives, but also to our workplace. As such, this practice should be included in your IT Asset Management (ITAM) strategy. In the following paragraphs we will explore MDM’s full scope of action, and the benefits it has for organizations that implement it.

Behind the Scenes: Mattermost OpenOps AI Mindmeld | July 27, 2023

Tune in for a behind-the-scenes discussion on the advancement of Mattermost's AI tools and how they're being integrated into the team's current projects. The main topics covered include using AI to create tweets, the potential of using the tool to auto-generate text that resembles a user's tone, how to improve public awareness and involvement in OpenOps, and more.

Synthetic Monitoring: What is it, Challenges, and How to Get Started

With Infrastructure as Code and service-oriented development, a modern web app can consist of countless moving parts developed by multiple development and DevOps teams. When establishing a high-velocity development environment, the main question is, "How can you guarantee a stellar end-user experience when lots of engineers are constantly pushing and deploying code?" Solid, easy-to-write, and clearly defined monitoring practices are the only answer to this question.