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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Where Context is King: Beyond Utilization in Asset Management

Organizations need better network oversight. According to Information Week, recent data predicts “wasted” cloud spending on services and applications that aren’t fully utilized will reach $21 billion by 2021, while CIO points to Gartner research that suggests 30 to 40 percent of IT spending in large enterprises is actually funding shadow IT.

Four Ways to Adapt ITSM to an Agile World

The transition to Agile development and continuous deployment has resulted in the DevOps movement to break down organizational walls. While there are many benefits to this approach, some best practices of traditional IT Service Management (ITSM) have been lost in the transition. Which ITSM processes and controls are still relevant and how can you adapt them to the new agile world?

Survey reveals rapidly growing role of IT Service Alerting

In a survey conducted at Microsoft Ignite 2018 in Orlando, Florida, Derdack investigated the state of IT alerting solutions among businesses. The survey is based on 368 participants, randomly selected among IT professionals visiting the expo showfloor. The survey revealed if and if yes, which IT alerting solutions (ITSA / “IT Service Alerting”) businesses use to support their IT operations and to respond faster to major and critical IT incidents.