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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How to Monitor Services

Learn how to add a Service Monitor to your monitored server in PA Server Monitor. The Service Monitor watches the same system services that can be seen from the Administrator Tools Services applet (services.msc). If a service is not running, actions are fired (which could notify you and/or restart the service for example). The Restart Service action is typically attached to this monitor.

Don't let an expired SSL certificate stop your site's traffic

SSL (Secure Socket Layers) certificates tell your site’s visitors that you are whom you say you are and creates an encrypted connection between your domain (anexampledomain.com) and the visitor. If your domain doesn’t supply a valid certificate, the browser throws up a wall that warns the user that the site isn’t trusted. Many things may happen that tell the browser to issue the warning, but the most common reason is due to an expired SSL certificate.

Are third-party tools necessary to monitor your VMware infrastructure?

Monitoring every resource in your VMware environment is crucial to avoid sudden issues and ensure proper capacity planning. Although VMware offers its own monitoring suite, organizations frequently seek out third-party monitoring tools. The start of this trend dates back to the early days of vSphere, and it has only continued to increase. This is because third-party tools provide monitoring for the compute, storage, network, and analytics aspects of VMware environments, all from a single interface.

Integrating proactive monitoring with customer service

Everyone knows the existential question: If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Leading-edge customer service management today has produced a corollary: If a network problem is fixed before the customer even suspects there’s an issue, did it even happen?

CompareCamp awards ManageEngine's endpoint protection software for its great user experience

Vulnerability Manager Plus is ManageEngine’s enterprise security program that empowers system administrators with an essential set of tools for managing and mitigating threats and vulnerabilities across systems in IT infrastructure. This security solution features specialized tools that help enterprises improve their overall security posture. Some of its unique tools include its integrated patch management module, security configuration management, and prioritization of vulnerabilities.

How Cortex uses the Prometheus Write-Ahead Log (WAL) to prevent data loss

Since the beginning of the Cortex project, there was a flaw with the ingester service responsible for storing the incoming series data in memory for a while before writing it to a long-term storage backend. If any ingester happened to crash, it would lose all the data that it was holding.

Remote Workforce Monitoring Dashboards 101

It's more important than ever to ensure your applications, tools and services are available for your remote workforce. Having visibility into the health and performance of these business-critical applications and infrastructures is critical for IT to maintain business continuity. With visibility into cloud applications like Zoom and Office 365, as well as the performance of critical services like VPNs and other tools, your team can quickly respond to issues and prevent outages.

Virtual Time Series Meetup - March 2020

Talk 1: Prophet for forecasts with InfluxDB Anais Dotis-Georgiou | Developer Advocate, InfluxData Abstract Data collection is only half of the battle. The other half is being able to easily perform data analysis. FB Prophet aims to make time series forecasting simple and fast. We’ll learn how to make a univariate time series prediction with Prophet and InfluxDB.

The Benefits of Running GroundWork Monitor in Containers

If you have been watching our announcements, you know we have recently released a major new version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise, version 8. As I write this, that’s actually 8.0.1, which is a little more than the first release. The thing about version 8 though, is that it’s containerized. That’s right, all of the many processes that GroundWork uses to monitor, alert, log, and report on your infrastructure are all running in Docker containers.