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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Analyzing GCP Costs with BigQuery: A How-To Guide

Effective Google Cloud Platform (GCP) cost management is an essential aspect of cloud administration, ensuring that resources are used optimally without overspending. Utilizing BigQuery for GCP cost analysis offers a comprehensive solution to understand and control your cloud expenses. The integration of GCP billing data into BigQuery allows for real-time analysis and detailed insights into your cloud spend.

Understanding Internal Status Pages

In today's fast-paced business environment, it's crucial for companies to monitor and address system health issues immediately. Internal status pages are tools designed for this purpose. They display up-to-date information about the company's internal and external systems and services, proving valuable not only for IT professionals but also for the overall efficiency and response capacity of a business.

Understanding Your Cloud Bill: A Beginner's Guide

Embarking on the journey of understanding your cloud bill can initially seem daunting, but grasping a few essential concepts and familiarizing yourself with common terminology can significantly demystify the process. At its core, cloud billing is the method by which cloud service providers charge for the resources and services that your business consumes.

Load testing on Kubernetes with k6 Private Load Zones (Grafana Office Hours #19)

This week, we're talking about how you can do load testing on Kubernetes with k6 Private Load Zones, a new feature on Grafana Cloud k6 that leverages the k6 Kubernetes operator to allow you to run distributed load tests against applications behind a firewall. Here to discuss this new feature are Senior Software Engineer Olha Yevtushenko, Product Manager Daniel González Lopes, Developer Advocate Paul Balogh, and Senior Developer Advocate Nicole van der Hoeven.

What Do Developers Need to Know About Kubernetes, Anyway?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: you just pushed and deployed your latest change to production, and it’s rolling out to your Kubernetes cluster. You sip your coffee as you wrap up some documentation when a ping in the ops channel catches your eye—a sales engineer is complaining that the demo environment is slow. Probably nothing to worry about, not like your changes had anything to do with that… but, minutes later, more alerts start to fire off.

A story about HTTP status codes and why you should read documentation

Since 2020, I’ve been working on an Express (Node.js framework) application to power viewer interactions and events that happen whilst I’m streaming live coding on Twitch — my Twitch bot. Since using Sentry for error monitoring and crashes using the Sentry Node SDK, I’ve already squashed quite a few bugs that were entirely a result of my own terrible code.

Introducing the Notification API

You'll often hear us saying "everyone loves a dashboard", and that's most certainly true, but nobody loves staring at a screen all day waiting for something to happen. Real magic is when your awesome dashboard comes to you, where you need it, when you need it. Over the last few months we've introduced a bunch of powerful features to make "taking action" as simple as possible... Monitors let you define the health of your data so you can see at a glance if something isn't right.