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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

A Guide to Currency API Implementation

When setting up a website that sells products or services online or operates a trading platform, up-to-date currency conversion is vital. Not having prices correctly displayed in the user's currency of choice can mean they go elsewhere, or if they do buy, you could lose out on potential profit on the transaction due to changing exchange rates.

How AI-Generated Content Is Changing the Media Landscape

The world of communications and media is changing at an incredible rate. From using artificial intelligence for content creation to the integration of voice technology, it seems like almost every part of how we consume and share information is being revolutionized. Let's take a closer look at how AI-generated content is altering the media landscape: why it matters, who benefits from it, what kind of impact has already been seen as well as potential pitfalls. Time to dive in!

Unlocking seamless API management: Introducing AWS API Gateway integration with Elastic

AWS API Gateway is a powerful service that redefines API management. It serves as a gateway for creating, deploying, and managing APIs, enabling businesses to establish seamless connections between different applications and services. With features like authentication, authorization, and traffic control, API Gateway ensures the security and reliability of API interactions.

Webhook vs. API: Differences, Uses, and Benefits

The extent to which most business software applications rely on application programming interfaces (APIs) and webhooks is hard to overstate. They’re in play when getting the latest stock updates or determining how much a competitor charges for similar products. How different are they from one another, and when should you choose one over the other?.

OpenTelemetry Webinar: What is the OpenTelemetry API

The next in our series on OpenTelemetry fundamentals, this video is all about the #opentelemetry API, a part of the larger #cncf project to bring open standards to telemetry measuring, monitoring, and reporting. More about SigNoz: SigNoz - Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Backed by Y Combinator.

Intro to Speedscale

Speedscale is a Y-Combinator backed startup that helps Kubernetes engineering teams build resilient and performant containerized apps. Our production traffic replication platform is a more reliable, cost-effective, and scalable way to test and deliver cloud-native software applications. Unlike other tools, we use agents/sidecars to record and playback sanitized traffic that you see in prod. With Speedscale, engineers can generate load, simulate production conditions, and mock third party backends modeled after real traffic patterns.

Put humans in the loop to generate real value from generative AI

Generative AI has shaken up the business and tech world, but the best tech relies on world-class talent to address the fundamental problems that haven’t been solved yet. At ServiceNow, we know the most constructive and value-creating strategies for generative AI are grounded in embedding human experience and expertise into the core capabilities.

Image recognition with Python, OpenCV, OpenAI CLIP and pgvector

In this video you’ll learn how to build an offline face recognition pipeline to find faces on top of complex pictures. The full written explanation is available in the dedicated article The pipeline will use: Python and OpenCV to detect faces within complex pictures Python and an OpenAI CLIP model to calculate the face embeddings PostgreSQL and the pgvector extension to store the embeddings and calculate distance across them.

AI adoption for software: a guide to learning, tool selection, and delivery

This post was written with valuable contributions from Michael Webster, Kira Muhlbauer, Tim Cheung, and Ryan Hamilton. Remember the advent of the internet in the 90s? Mobile in the 2010s? Both seemed overhyped at the start, yet in each case, fast-moving, smart teams were able to take these new technologies at their nascent stage and experiment to transform their businesses. This is the moment we’re in with artificial intelligence. The technology is here.

The Microscope for Embedded Code: How Tracealyzer Revealed Our Bug

Tracealyzer. You can’t stay in the wonderful world of debugging and profiling code without hearing the name. If you look at Percepio’s website, it is compared to the oscilloscopes of embedded code. Use it to peek deep inside your code and see what it does. Of course, the code receives an interrupt and checks a CRC before sending the data through SPI, but how does it do it? And how long does it take?