
Dashboard Fridays: Sample AppDynamics Dashboard

Together, these three AppDynamics dashboards provide a high-level overview of the health and performance of a service – reporting on application-level metrics, infrastructure, and more importantly, end-user experience. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Grafana Agent v0.30: Flow adds support for logging pipelines and graduates to beta

Grafana Agent v0.30 is here! The past couple of Grafana Agent releases have been pretty exciting for us. We introduced Agent Flow as a new way to configure, run, and debug telemetry pipelines. We also announced OpenTelemetry Collector components to expand on our Big Tent philosophy and allow users to switch seamlessly between the Prometheus and OTel ecosystems. This latest release continues that momentum by introducing Loki components for building logging pipelines and marking Flow mode as beta!

Jira Automation Demystified

Repetitive tasks can be time consuming. In an ideal world, automation would remove all of the grunt work when it comes to solving business problems, freeing us up to execute on more strategic decisions. Luckily, Jira has the capabilities to take a load of tasks off your hands – including tracking your issues, posts, features, and more. This blog will walk you through the options available and offer top tips on how to set this up.

Dashboard Fridays: Zendesk

This Zendesk dashboard built in SquaredUp provides an overview of the support tickets that have been raised in Zendesk, information on tickets created, against which form, what status they are in, and how many when taken by users. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Dashboard Fridays: Azure DevOps

This SquaredUp dashboard uses the Azure DevOps plugin to let you monitor the status of your CI/CD automation, monitor Azure DevOps for failures and large queues, track the usage of your agents and resources, and summarise work items and test cases. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

The only Helm chart you need for Grafana Loki is here

The community has spoken, six Helm charts is not enough! We agree! In all seriousness though, six charts is simply too many to maintain. And while it might sound counterintuitive, that’s why we are announcing a new Helm chart. By focusing on the “Grafana Labs way" to run Grafana Loki using Helm, we believe this will help us and the community concentrate our Helm efforts into a single chart. This new chart is released under grafana/loki at Helm version 3 or higher.

LM Envision Application Topology: A New Way To Visualize Application Connections

Finding service relationships and diagnosing bottlenecks within an application can be incredibly difficult to accomplish, especially if your applications are spread across multiple services, with both internal and external service calls. Although users could get granular visibility into individual traces using our Distributed Tracing features, they couldn’t see how their services were connected across different traces.

How KCB Bank Uganda greatly improved transaction service monitoring with Grafana

In 2019, KCB Bank Uganda reviewed its systems and came to a startling realization: Due to outdated monitoring processes, its services could be down for hours before anyone was alerted internally. This downtime led to frustrated consumers, a rise in customer service complaints, and a decline in revenue.