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Survey reveals rapidly growing role of IT Service Alerting

In a survey conducted at Microsoft Ignite 2018 in Orlando, Florida, Derdack investigated the state of IT alerting solutions among businesses. The survey is based on 368 participants, randomly selected among IT professionals visiting the expo showfloor. The survey revealed if and if yes, which IT alerting solutions (ITSA / “IT Service Alerting”) businesses use to support their IT operations and to respond faster to major and critical IT incidents.

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 62

Big news this week - GrafanaCon early bird tickets are now on sale! We’ve released a limited number of early bird tickets, so grab yours before they’re sold out. Also, call for proposals is open until October 15, so don’t wait until the last minute to submit your talk. We’ve gotten some great proposals already, but the more the merrier. Keep an eye out at grafanacon.org for more updates.

Are your IT management practices IoT-ready?

2017 was supposed to be the year of the Internet of Things (IoT)—the year that this highly-touted technology matured and started producing tangible results for organizations. However, the last 12 months have left advocates of IoT frustrated. A report from Cisco claims that close to 75 percent of all IoT projects fail, and IoT as a buzzword has been replaced by the likes of artificial intelligence and blockchain. This disheartening news paints a grim picture for IoT.

Avert a Website Meltdown With These Awesome Features

Our primary focus at Uptime.com is creating a tool that can monitor every critical piece of infrastructure that drives the work you do. We created a series of checks to accomplish this task, with API and Transaction checks offering unprecedented flexibility. The next step was a mechanism for controlling how alerts were issued. The Advanced Check Options we’ll look at today are aimed at controlling when and how alerts are issued.

All you need to know about GIS Maps on-premise with Geoserver

Since version 7.0 NG 723, Pandora FMS has a new feature that allows the use of GIS maps with Geoserver for its integration with Pandora FMS GIS maps. Geoserver is a free, open source Java-based server that allows you to view, edit and share geospatial data.GIS maps with Geoserver work with the free OpenLayers library and by using the WMS (Web Map Service) standard, maps with different output formats are easily and quickly available.

Monitoring Java applications: Memory usage, threads and other JRE metrics

In this post we will cover how to monitor the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You will learn how to assess the performance of your Java application by profiling its memory usage, the garbage collector metrics, monitoring Java daemon and user threads and other fundamental JRE metrics. We will finish with a real Java JRE troubleshooting example using opensource Sysdig and Docker.

Determining Fair & Competitive On-Call Compensation

The key to choosing the best compensation plan is finding a solution that works well for your company but also recognizes the employees for their effort and time spent. If employees are well-cared for, they will, in turn, care about the business and contribute to its’ success. After choosing a method and confirming it abides by local laws, be sure to examine the following to confirm that compensation is competitive and fair and that your team can adequately share the load on-call requires.

New: Debug performance issues by comparing two IPM tests

Our Intelligent Page Monitor (IPM) is a great tool for several different reasons. It will detect element errors (e.g. 404s). It’s fantastic for AB testing. It captures a regular screenshot of your page. It runs from locations all around the world. And it’s a powerful performance monitor, giving you statistics for every element loaded on a page.