Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


How modern service operations drive fast resolution of IT issues

Managing technology services and operations can be like trying to jockey around road hazards in a vehicle that doesn’t have all the features you need for the drive. Just as your navigation technology helps keep your journey on track, full visibility into IT issues is vital. That’s what automated service operations offers. When different teams use different tools with different views of data, it can be a struggle to see if there’s a problem.

The 11 Best Docker Alternatives In 2022

Although container-related technology existed before 2013, Docker revolutionized and propelled it into the mainstream. Using Docker, developers could automatically create containers from application source code, share libraries, and reuse containers. Docker enables you to track container image versions, roll back to an earlier iteration, and track who built a specific one. You can even upload only the deltas between two versions.

Automate Troubleshooting of Applications Running on Kubernetes

StackState is an out-of-the-box solution to observe your entire Kubernetes stack, identify problems, automatically highlight the changes that cause them and provide the full context you need for efficient and effective troubleshooting. Our clear and affordable pricing makes it easy to get started today.

Comprehensive Guide on Partitioning and Sharding in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve had to repeatedly help companies fix has been poor partitioning design. I’ve seen many database architectures designed in an attempt to make queries faster. While faster queries can be a product of implementing partitioning correctly for a given design, I’ve often seen query response times get much slower from implementing partitioning incorrectly for the database design.

Webinar: Making the case for AIOps

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) has risen in popularity within the technology landscape. It’s become a buzzword in the marketing world, and while there are many ways to define AIOps, the best way to start thinking about it is through the lens of outcomes, correlation and strategy—it’s all about the data.

Announcing issue-initiated Change Lead Time

Sleuth is pleased to announce a new option to start your Change Lead Time clock based on state transitions in your issue tracker! In our ongoing effort to meet customers where they are, we heard from many of you that you’d like Sleuth to account for and provide visibility into your pre-commit coding time. We’re pleased to offer this this new option to tell Sleuth which specific state transitions in your issue tracker should start your Change Lead Time clock!

Network Assessment Software: Overview & Examples

It’s true that network assessments take time, but they are worth every second. Today, businesses around the globe struggle to keep their networks and data secure. In fact, TechTarget’s list of 2022 cybersecurity statistics announces that “the cost of cybercrime is predicted to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025.” However, with routine network assessments, businesses can reduce threats and keep their IT infrastructures running smoothly.

New Honeycomb Integration With ServiceNow

Today, I’d like to tell you about a new community-contributed integration that connects Honeycomb to your ServiceNow workflows. My new integration reimagines what’s possible when connecting observability tools with ITSM systems. This post explains how it works and how to get started with it.