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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Introducing Nexthink Infinity

Today is one of the most special days in Nexthink history. I personally believe that founding and growing a tech company is mainly about developing amazing technologies which have the potential to change how people work. With the launch of our new Infinity platform, I feel we are truly transforming how digital workplace teams get their jobs done—not only for themselves but for all the employees in their companies.

How to Monitor IIS Performance

Are you looking to monitor the performance of your IIS web server? This guide will break down everything you need to know about monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft’s popular web server. IIS performance monitoring helps you to proactively monitor the health of your IIS web server by collecting logs, traces, and metrics of the application performance and the underlying IT infrastructure.

Setting Up and Tuning Amazon S3 as a Cribl Stream Destination

Everybody is starting to look more at object storage to deliver on data lake initiatives, and S3, specifically Amazon S3, is the gold standard for that. In addition, we’ve heard from many of you that setting up S3 as a destination is a must when starting with Cribl Stream. So in this article we’ll walk you through the setup.

Monitoring CrowdSec with Bleemeo

CrowdSec is an open-source software that allows you to detect peers with malicious behaviors and block them from accessing your systems. It benefits from a global community-wide IP reputation database. Attckers can then be prevented from accessing your resources by deploying bouncers. They are in charge of acting upon actors that triggered alerts: they can block the attacking IP, serve a 403 Forbidden response, and much more.

An overview of Monitoring Azure Kubernetes Services

Modern applications are increasingly built using containers and microservices packed with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes is open-source software for deploying and managing those containers at scale—and it is also the Greek word for helmsmen of a ship or pilot. Monitoring the health and performance of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster is critical to ensure that your applications are up and running as expected.

How Acquia helps customers deliver "moments that matter" with observability

Acquia is the open source digital experience company that empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to embrace innovation and create customer moments that matter. In this session, Acquia shares its journey to observability, moving from a fragmented and siloed state of monitoring to a sustainable model for observability. Learn how Acquia worked with Sumo Logic to improve the user and developer experience by

Integration with Apache Kafka

You can integrate Edge Flow Manager (EFM) with Apache Kafka and forward agent heartbeats to defined Kafka topics. Learn how to perform the integration with Apache Kafka. To integrate EFM with Kafka, you need to configure Kafka and EFM properties. EFM supports the forwarding of agent heartbeats and acknowledges messages exchanged on the C2 protocol between the EFM server and MiNiFi agents.

Internet Availability Threats Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks impacting availability have been rising. The attacks aren’t only affecting Russia and Ukraine either. Public and private organizations in multiple industries have been impacted, and several nations—including the U.S. and U.K.—have issued warnings about cyberthreats from Russia.

How to easily configure Grafana Loki and Promtail to receive logs from Heroku

Heroku is a cloud provider well known for its simplicity and its support out of the box for multiple programming languages. When thinking about consuming logs from applications hosted in Heroku, Grafana Loki is a great choice. But in the past, shipping logs from Heroku to any Loki instance required ad-hoc scripts to fiddle with Heroku’s logs format and send them. This can be a time-consuming experience.