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4 ways cloud helps future-proof your teams

Cloud is no longer a differentiator – it’s a strategic requirement for long-term success. So says Forrester’s Benchmark Your Enterprise Cloud Adoption report, and so say our customers, 90 percent of whom choose our cloud products over hosting Server or Data Center versions on-premise (on-prem). Ten years ago, moving to the cloud was about staying ahead of the curve – no longer.

Real-time impact tracking and notifications

Your team is practicing DevOps and you’re delivering some flavor of Continuous Delivery. You’re deploying anywhere from three times a week to twenty times a day. You are moving fast! At that speed, how do you know if you are moving things in the right direction? Hopefully, your team has defined some key SLIs that define your application’s health.

Monitoring Zoom Metrics from Your Machine with Logz.io

Like everyone else, my life for the last few months has become a never-ending stream of video calls. With Zoom calls, and the occasional Skype, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, becoming the norm I’ve noticed that the fans on my Macbook have been kicking in and sounding like a tiny jet trying to take off.

Implementing an effective change management process with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

In the third session we will discuss the change management process, define the different types of changes possible, and how to implement them with minimum disruption to the organization. We will also discuss how a company moved their entire on-premises infrastructure to the cloud using ServiceDesk Plus, and how they were able to plan such a large scale change and effectively implement it. See the cloud version of ServiceDesk Plus in action, as we show how to use all the available features to plan and implement changes better.

"I'm happy coming back, as long as nobody else does"

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit and the world went into lockdown, as many as one-half to one-third of workers in the United States began working from home full-time. Some people have loved it, but others have felt lonely, unproductive, and stressed while working from home with kids. As we’ve learned more about the virus and states have published reopening plans, many knowledge workers in the U.S. are ready (or being asked) to return to work.

Getting Started with Resolve Automation and MS Teams integration

In this short video, Rob Kelsall and Brent Hunter explain how organizations can quickly take advantage of integration between Resolve Actions (automation) and MS Teams to introduce chat ops in their organization to better support end users. This example explores a simple integration , that enables services offerings, and workflows created in Resolve to be exposed via a Resolve virtual agent (application) within the Teams platform.