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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How to create Discord alerts with Pandora FMS

We are going to learn how to configure a CLI connector for Discord webhooks and use them in Pandora alerts. We will show how to create a server and a Discord channel where we will receive the alerts, enable a webhook to make possible the communication between Pandora FMS and the Discord channel and configure Pandora Discord CLI and an alert in our Pandora FMS console.

What's new in the updated Strava plugin for Grafana

Grafana dashboards are often used to monitor a company’s metrics, but what about using them to monitor yourself? That was the thinking behind our creation of the Strava plugin back in early 2020. Strava is a service that allows athletes to track and analyze their workouts and training sessions. It’s widely used for activities such as running and cycling.

Great Moments in Application Monitoring

The consequences of poor application performance are both real and terrifying: lost customers, lost trust from your team, and lost confidence in your abilities. It’s why every developer remembers those moments where their solution improves both process and performance. We’ve seen this happen firsthand with our customers, and want to share their Great Moments in Application Monitoring.

How To Increase Efficiency by Empowering MSP Employees

The success of any managed service provider (MSP) is dependent on the people who work for it. When MSP employees are dissatisfied, unhappy, or unengaged they will be less be motivated, efficient, and productive. Employees make or break a company, so it’s vitally important to keep them satisfied with their work.

Why your next serverless project should use AWS AppSync

GraphQL APIs offer a number of advantages over REST APIs, such as solving the “N+1 requests” problem. And AppSync makes building scalable and performant GraphQL APIs much easier because it takes care of all the infrastructure concerns for you. In this webinar, AWS Serverless Hero Yan Cui discusses the power of GraphQL and AppSync and why AppSync + Lambda + DynamoDB should be your stack of choice in 2021 and beyond!

What are Server Monitoring Best Practices?

Server Monitoring is referred to as consistent monitoring of all network infrastructure, related to servers to analyses their resource utilization trends & later optimize it for a smooth end-user experience. The concept of server monitoring is straight forward, it is the collection of data from servers & real time or historical data analysis to make sure that the network servers are free from impending issues are performing optimally thereby fulfilling their intended function.

Datadog Synthetic Monitoring now supports cross-browser testing

Your users access your application from a wide range of browsers, which have their own implementations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For instance, many modern JavaScript features such as Promises and Arrow Functions are unsupported by some browsers. These inconsistencies can lead to missing elements and malfunctioning workflows that affect some—but not all—of your user base.

SNMPv2 vs. SNMPv3: An SNMP Versions Comparison Table

By 2024 there’ll be an estimated 83 billion connected devices on our networks. All these devices, made by a wide variety of vendors, use different types of software, making everything more complicated for IT staff trying to get network devices working together. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) acts like a magic wand to untangle that ball of yarn with a simple gesture.